• The Arvigo® Technique of Maya Abdominal Therapy, is an holistic healing modality that focuses on the abdomen and pelvis. It incorporates ancient healing techniques from the Maya civilization and was developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, a naprapathic physician and herbalist.

  • Some of the potential benefits of Maya Abdominal Massage include:

    Digestive Health

    Painful and/or irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation

    Fertility issues

    Prolapsed Uterus

    Early stages of prostate swelling


    Pelvic and Lower Back Pain Relief

  • Maya Abdominal Massage refers to therapeutic techniques and practices that focus on the abdomen, its organs, and the surrounding structures. It encompasses various modalities aimed at promoting health and wellness in the abdominal area. An example of abdominal therapy is the one taught by Dr Rosita Arvigo.

  • The frequency of abdominal massage can vary depending on individual needs and goals. It's best to consult with a qualified practitioner who can assess your specific situation and provide personalise recommendations. However, here are some general guidelines:

    Maintenance and General Well-being: it's typically recommended to have a session every 4-6 weeks.

    Specific Conditions or Concerns: If you're addressing a specific condition or concern weekly or bi-weekly sessions for a certain duration may be beneficial initially, followed by a decrease in frequency as symptoms improve.

    Acute Conditions: If you're dealing with an acute issue or experiencing acute pain, more frequent sessions in the beginning may be recommended. Once the acute symptoms subside, the frequency can be adjusted accordingly.

  • The Abdominal Massage is a gentle and noninvasive massage. This technique manipulates the muscles and tendons that hold all the belly organs in place to bring all things back into alignment and promote proper functioning.

  • It's beneficial for adults to have regular massage treatments for many of the same reasons that touch is crucial for newborn babies.

    Just as touch is beneficial for bonding and physical development, brain development, and communication in newborns. In many ways the benefits for adults share the same fields: Stress reduction and relaxation, physical health benefits, better sleep quality, connection with your body, improved immune function.

    Regular Massage Treatments are good at connecting you with that initial newborn experience of touch and will help you experience a renewed sense of vitality and rejuvenation.